It's fun, it's was cheap and easy! |
My son helped trace the shamrocks from a template I made for him, then I cut them out and he handed them to me as I ran them through the sewing machine. Yes, the sewing machine. I iron fabric to walls and sew paper, what a weirdo...If you've never done it before, you just run one piece of the paper through the machine and after you finish, instead of cutting the string, just pull the paper out the back of the machine, while pressing the foot-pedal. After the string which runs through is the length you want, feed the next piece in. Should the string break, just cut it and re-sew over the last piece of attached paper. This is a super easy way of creating any garland....I did it for Valentines day and it was super cute!
I like your "irish" garland!!! It's cute! I might try to make it!